Creation Science has been Kickstarted
So there's this site called Kickstarter, and it's supposed to be used by artists and writers to raise money to support specific artistic endeavors. Because I am out of my mind and don't have a brain in...
View ArticleOnly You Can Save Creation Science
Listen, I know that there's a pretty good chance that you (yes, you!) are some kind of policy wonk who only reads Wetmachine for the insight & analysis of all things FCC/Net Neutrality/media...
View ArticleRoland the Robot explains how publishing works today
I met Roland Denning in the comment thread of an article that Cory Doctorow had written in the Guardian (UK) about Why free ebooks should be part of the plot for writers. . I wrote to Roland proposing...
View ArticleFurther Adventures in Self-Publishing
In days of old when knights were bold, I wrote an article for a site called Kuro5hin article about my adventures in self-publishing . At the time, I had been a self-publisher for about two years. In it...
View ArticleBe the Geekoid Novelist's Guest on Martha's Vineyard
Over on on Kickstarter , I'm seeking backers for my new project, a biotech thriller called Creation Science . I've just added a new reward: You and a friend can be my guest for a weekend next spring or...
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